Phallus Impudicus juice.
21 Apr, 2021,
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Our products.
21 Apr, 2021,
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Our product Common stinkhorn juice has been awarded a "Green Spoon" - the acknowledgment of a quality
26 Apr, 2019,
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We are proud to announce that our Common stinkhorn juice without alcohol and without preservatives has been awarded a Green Spoon (Zaļā karotīte), which means that we are included in the National Food Quality Scheme (NPKS - Nacionālā pārtikas kvalitātes shēma), and the use of the green coloured spoon symbol is now allowed for the labelling of this product.
As reported on the NPKS's website, "The Green Spoon is awarded to products that meet high quality criteria and for whose production 75% of the raw materials used are obtained in one European Union Member State or a region referred to in the designation as a country or region of origin, such as Latvia."